Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Even nice guys...

can make me feel like crap...

I unintentionally sabotage a good thing.
Does this make me a bad person?
I'm beginning to think I should write off having a serious relationship for awhile. I don't like who I have become and how it's been making me feel.


Blogger Kaiser said...

Sorry, looks like you are going through a rough time right now. I have a friend going through similar difficulties of trying to ease themselves back into dating after thinking she was done with this crazy game of dating. Take it slow, lean on your friends; in the end it will all turn out aight.

9:05 AM

Blogger JadedTLC said...

I go back to my statement before. What the hell does a nice guy look like?

I do know what you mean. And why do we push problems where there were none before..

10:53 PM

Blogger erl said...

maybe it's not you. and no it doesn't make you a bad person.

11:19 AM

Blogger Jen said...

The most telling piece of this post is "I don't like who I have become and how it's been making me feel". Been there, done that. It doesn't make you a bad person at all. Sometimes we just lose our way a bit and get sucked into a way of thinking and behaving because it's safe or comfortable or for any number of reasons. All you need to do is whatever feels right. I know that sounds a bit shit but you should always follow your gut - no matter what that involves.
"Live up to your character" as a wise lady once wrote. That's some great advice. And don't beat yourself up, life's too short and you're far too pretty :)

hahaha sorry - this is turning into "How many pop psychology clichés can you fit into one paragraph?" But you get the gist. Chin up girl xxx

11:54 AM

Blogger Meems said...

I have the same problem except my guy keeps coming back and making me do it all over again.

I don't think it makes you a bad person because you're aware of it and you, [i'm assuming] want to change it.

If you got some pleasure out of it, then I'd think you were a bad person. ;)

Feel better soon.

4:56 PM


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