...says a thousand words...


Pretty picture, eh? Can you believe I actually took it? I can't sleep. I hate it when that happens. Instead I find myself bored, getting on my blog and trying to find something clever and witty to write...funny how that never seems to work. I haven't seen much of my significant other lately (we'll call him D). We've both been working a lot lately and seem to have little time together. The time that we share we end up fighting. I pick a fight...yeah, I know, typical female...I just hate that I don't see him. I feel bad. I miss him. A lot. He just moved into a new apartment with 2 guys. I think that's why I've been picking fights lately. I had just come the realization that I wanted to get an apartment with him as he was in the works of moving out of his current living arrangement. He had already given his word to his 2 friends that he would move in with them so my decision came too late. I'm just being resentful and bitter right now so please ignore me...
stumbled on to your page...love the pic in this post...
11:19 AM
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