There is nothing better then going to Walmart at 12:30 am for Mt. Dew, beef jerky, gummi bears, and Mad Libs in preparation for a road trip. Yes, that's right, beef jerky...good stuff, but Jen said it tasted like shit. Anyhow, we left at 1am for Quantico, VA. (Wait, holdup, background...Jen's boyfriend is training to be an officer for the Marines and has been in VA for the past few weeks. Jen missed him dearly so we decided to take a little road trip). ANYHOW, driving from 1am-9:30am is not fun...wait a sec, I wouldn't know because I didn't actually do any of the driving. The first few hours on the road were actually quite fun. We did a lot of singing and dancing. There is nothing like a good burned CD full of VERY eclectic music. We seemed to prefer the old school stuff...Tiffany, Paula Abdul, Michael Jackson, NKOTB, Aerosmith, Beach Boys, etc. Jen singing "You're my first, my last, my everything" to ME was definitely a highlight, and singing "You make me feel like a natural woman (woman)" was also good fun.
We had very interesting conversations to anything from toilet habits to living sheltered lives (do we? We decided no). As the time went on, Jen started making some funny comments (I think from lack of sleep)...I know at one point we passed a cop that had pulled over a semi and Jen said (and I quote) "I bet cops hate pulling over semis because they have so much farther to walk." What?! Yeah, we got a laugh out of that one. We also drove through a town called Burlington and she wondered aloud if this was where all the coat factories were. She seemed genuinely upset and disappointed when I told her that there were Burlington Coat Factories all over the country. We also passed a million billboards for the Risque Cafe. What is the Risque Cafe, you ask? Okay, you didn't ask but I will share with you anyways because I am just THAT nice. The billboard claimed it was open 24 hours...food, drink, sex toys, nekkid ladies, showers and that truckers were welcome. We were SO there...yeah right. However, if this sounds like your thing it's exit 173 off of 85. We won't judge you (we'll just point and laugh mercilessly at you).
When we finally arrived we were able to check into the hotel room early (check in wasn't until 2pm but the hotel clerk took pity on us when she saw we looked like ass and said we could go in after the room was cleaned). While we waited we helped ourselves the lovely continental breakfast (Lucky Charms, yogurt and orange juice for me and a bagel with cream cheese and orange juice for Jen) and I shit you not nothing had ever tasted so good. We get to the room and immediately sack out for a good 3 hours. Finally, we get a call from John (he didn't know we were coming by the way) and we head out to Quantico to meet him.
Okay, Qauntico (Q-Town, I didn't make that up by the way...apparently everyone calls it that) is a really crappy little town. Somehow, we managed to make it fun. We found a bar, met up with his friends and got drunk. Somehow, I managed to get really lucky...John had a really hot Marine friend. His name? Gibson: 28, about 6'1, built, smart, can cook, has aspirations...what the hell...why can't I meet guys like this in the real world? Okay, so apparently, after being in a relationship for 3+ years I had forgotten how to flirt because he was doing it all night and I didn't even know until Jen pointed it out to me later. How could I miss that?
Fast forward to the following day...before we knew it, it was time to go...so sad. Me and Jen said our goodbyes to the boys (her's was romantic and super sweet...btw...her and John are so cute together).
The drive home sucked but it had some high points...a lot of laughing...comments about being horny were made (by who, I will not say but DENY is the first word that comes to mind)...Mr. Bullets, here we come!
The whole trip took a little over 48 hours...yeah, that's right...we're hardcore...or at least we pretend to be.
We never did do the Mad Libs.
We are SO going back.

Jen on the open road...totally stoked to go see her man.

Yes...I too was a big fan. I even went to one of their concerts....I sported a big Joey McIntyre button on my NKOTB tshirt...let me tell you, I was hot stuff! I also used to love Color Me Badd (they were my first concert ever)...my fave song was "I wanna sex you up" which is really creepy now that I look back at it because I think I was only 10 or 11.
3:31 PM
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