Gotta have FAITH
I can't sleep. I don't know why.
I have some major trust issues due to my ex. This is something I need to get over because it's not fair to the guy I am currently seeing. I have no reason not to trust this guy...he's really great. I mean, c'mon, he sent me flowers because I had a cold. He has given me no reason NOT to trust him...he is nothing but caring and considerate.
Advice would be greatly appreciated...
P.S. The fact that I mentioned that HE sent me flowers on my blog is going to embarrass the crap out of HIM. (Hi, I know YOU are reading this, I have a site meter, remember?)
I've been married 10 years, and my wife still doesn't trust me. Just the other day, for example, I told her that it would be perfectly safe and legal to get rid of our yellow jackets with homemade diesel soda can bombs. And she totally did not believe me. She also didn't trust me when I told her my office actually encourages me to show up partially inebriated. Pfft.
Sometimes you just have to love and live without the trust is what I'm learning. Or something.
9:09 PM
I would give you some advice but the only advice I can think to give is RRUUUNNN!!... RUN AWAY. QUICKLY.
trust is totally overrated : )
3:12 AM
Trust issues? I haven't met anyone who didn't have trust issues -- maybe they already got married.
Advice: Run or Stay. :) I've found that running leads me to staying so... yeah, I let go and got drunk and made out with a guy i've been crushing on for a year and a half twice (once in a hot tub). I know what happens in Palm Springs stays in Palm Springs, but it was HOT. Did I tell you I had to MAJORLY let go to do that? Yeah, run then stay. That's my advice. Especially if he's a hot damn kisser (this guy is).
11:13 PM
I say let go of your issues. Your new guy shouldn't have to suffer because of the ex.
9:00 PM
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