Welcome to the neighborhood
Okay, I got drunk last night. For real. Wasted. And I didn't even have to go out to do it. I took my happy ass over to my sister's house and me, her and Dylan sat out on the deck and drank ourselves silly. Okay, the great thing that I learned is that Dylan embarrasses very easily. Just for the record guys...never tell a drunk chick when something embarrasses you because we will make sure and do it all night long. What guy doesn't like talking about sex? Apparently it is not one of Dylan's fave topics (at least not with me, the younger sis of a friend), and of course, I decide to talk about it. So, my sister got some freaky sex toy as a joke from one of her friends. That thing was quite...interesting. Anyhow, I guess we were laughing and being a bit loud because all of sudden there's this guy in the backyard. He introduces himself as J, her new neighbor. Right away I could tell this guy was going to be fun because he was double fisting a couple of beers. He's standing there talking to us for a couple minutes before my sister realizes the freaky sex toy is sitting on the table. I don't think I've ever seen her move so fast to hide anything before. He says he didn't notice but who doesn't notice a thing like that? He ends up going to get his wife and the five of us stay up drinking and talking until 3 in the morning. I finally had to excuse myself inside because buddy was flirting with me in front of the wifey and it was slightly freaking me out a bit. I think he had just one too many beers. The wife was really nice though. Buddy is STRONG...he did a bunch of pushups with me sitting on his back. Sorry, if this post is all over the place...I'm really tired for some reason.
Oh...and LG...you were right, the Long Islands kicked my ass last night.
Kid, I love drunk dialing you when you are drunk as well. It makes for a most interesting convo.

Neighbor guy aka The PushUp Bandit

Leese girl.. Married Guy is hella hot. Damn me for being a good girl who wouldn't dream of flirting with him...sober that is. :P
I would try very hard not to with a wifey there. Long Islands are too tough for me.. but you go girl..
As for me black cherry vodka and diet dr. pepper are my poison of choice.
8:01 PM
Jaded...I'd invite you over for a girl's night if you lived over here and neighbor guy can be all yours. I'm not interested in him. I'll fix you your poison and you can flirt all you want!
P.S. He used to be a Marine.
8:32 PM
Don't listen to the naysayers - you should drink more Long Island Ice Teas. MORE! In fact, make a game out of it - like a personal challenge : )
Don't think neighbour guy looks particularly hot but any guy doing pushups totally makes me giddy.
1:56 AM
Awwwww YEAH! It's a kittyfest in here. Rrrrruff, ladies. Very ruff. Leesey, you can drunk dial me anytime you like and twice on Saturdays. God bless America and free long distance.
1:31 PM
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