Really, it's fine...
I love my readers. I want to thank those who are willing to stand up for me. I know the long time readers have read through some of my darker stuff when Don broke up with me...thanks for sticking by me. As much as I hated it/him when we broke up...I've gotten past a lot of that. Everyday is a milestone for me. However, I do still talk to Don. We talk every couple of days...and we've reached the point where we can talk pleasantly to each other. No fighting. I like to think that he is genuinely happy for me. It's difficult for me to cut someone off so completely considering he was my best friend for so long. There is no way we would ever get back together...he knows that...and so do I. Most friendships fade through time as I'm sure this one will eventually but where ever he ends up...I just hope that he finds happiness. I don't have a problem with him reading my blog and I don't mind the fact that he leaves comments (because we all know I'm not a fan of lurkers...however, my postion on that has slightly changed due to a fabulous explanation by one of my lurkers, who I will refer to as AKA). I know if he had a blog, I would probably read it...anyone who knows me really well knows that I'm nosy as hell.
P.S. Congrats to Don on his new baby sister.
Awww, Leese. You have a huge heart. That's one reason why you have longtime readers.
However, I have a suggestion to Don. He should blog in all fairness. I mean, he gets to see your private thoughts, why shouldn't you see his? :)
Even if you talk, there's still something about writing that opens up the heart even more.
10:46 AM
I am kind of the same boat with you reguarding your ex situation. I am at the conversation point with my ex although I know that I will never get back together, I am not sure that he does. It is hard to shut someone who has been such a big part of your life out just because you fell out of love with them.
2:48 PM
Happy Christmas!
Hope you have a fun holiday season x
5:15 PM
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