I don't think that it's too much to ask...but I could be wrong.
Alright, I think I've mentioned it briefly once before but it may need mentioning again. I used to be guilty of this and have since apologized to certain people for it. I used to LURK all the time. I would read people's blogs and NEVER EVER comment. I guess I felt like I didn't have anything to say and truth is I still don't always comment. But I do now, most of the time, even when I don't have much to say because I know that the people still enjoy reading the comments. It's always nice to see mail in your inbox. Basically what I'm saying is that a comment from you lurkers would be nice every now and then. Especially certain someones from Florida (not you, Rob) and Virginia.
I never lurk! Gold Star for me : )
I know what you mean - I have a shit load of lurkers too and it drives me freaking crazy!
It's like the first word on a blank page - once you get going, you're alright but it's writing that first word (or comment in this case) that's the tough one.
Don't be scared lurkers... come on... *offers sweets and trinkets to lurkers*
*(but not in a creepy way)*
4:29 PM
i don't lurk, i pause.
i may come to this site, read at work, comment at home.
is that lurking?
i think not. :P
7:05 PM
btw.. i will write to all when i get back!
7:06 PM
No, you're not a lurker. The lurkers KNOW who they are.
8:22 PM
Sometimes I don't comment because of time or realizing I don't have much to add to what others before have said. But I do try every now and then to leave a comment. It's also a great way to find other new blogs to read. That's how I found you, Leese! Thanks for commenting at the Toaster Oven :)
10:46 AM
I dont understand. I comment
11:15 AM
fine I will come clean. I think that the reason people dont leave comments is that they really don't have anything to say. I read your blog because I generaly like the things that you have to say and to offer commentary on a life of a person I dont know other then the things they choose to potray in their blog is "off" to me. I keep a blog that nobody knows about cause I really dont want to know what people think about what I say. But if it will put your mind at ease, I will not "lurk" in the future and offer brilliant insights to your writing. Hopefully, this puts your mind at rest
7:40 PM
Kaiser...yes, for some strange reason it DOES put my mind to rest. I look forward to hearing from you. Welcome! :)
8:40 PM
And just for the record, it was MAINLY the person from Virginia I was calling out. They read through all my posts, did 178 page views and spent over an hour and half reading through all my stuff and didn't leave one comment.
8:43 PM
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