Thursday, December 01, 2005

Random Things

Sorry I haven't posted lately, I just don't feel like there has been anything interesting enough to write a whole post about. are some random things:

-I applied for a new job. A REGULAR one, not one with the shitty hours and days I was working before. This one is 9:30-6:00. I'm pretty stoked about it and I hope that I get it.

-My brother-in-law is in the army training to be a firefighter. This means that my nephews are obsessed with all thing army and firemen. All the clothes they wear are referred by them as "army men clothes." Even if the jacket is blue and doesn't resemble anything army..."This is my army man jacket...These are my army man pants" and so on...

-I felt like crap last night when I got home. When I drink, I smoke...A LOT. My chest hurt last badly that I couldn't enjoy the McDonald's that I had stopped to get on the way home.

-The friend I was hanging out with yesterday is a musician. He lives with 2 other guys and they are musicians as well. They have a real recording studio in their basement. Well, my friend wrote a song and they recorded it and he is SO proud of it. He had me listen to it about 6 times. It's really good. It makes me wish I had learned to play an instrument when I was younger.

-I was so tired last night that I fell asleep while I was on the phone (sorry).

-I'm going to my first Christmas party of the season on Saturday. I'm going to be my friend's M. date. I'm hoping it will get me in the holiday spirit.

-A lot of people have been googling Risque Cafe and have been ending up here...please stop.

-I'm hoping I have something good to post about soon.


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