December 10th has come and gone. The worst thing about yesterday was my watch. I think I looked at the damn thing a million times and imagined what I would be doing at that exact moment if I was still getting married that day.
Getting my hair and make-up done. Arriving at the wedding site. Putting on my dress. Having my sister and my best friend making me laugh to try and get me to relax. Walking down the aisle. Reception. Blah, blah, blah...
I mentioned these thoughts aloud late last night and my watch was promptly confiscated along with my cell phone. However, I did manage to make exactly 2 drunk dials before getting totally shit faced. I also managed to not get sick in the passenger seat of my own car...instead waiting until I got home and inside in front of my lovely toilet and after kicking my best friend out of the bathroom (I refuse to let anyone see me get sick).
I don't remember much after that but I was told that I changed out of my clothes and into my pj's all by myself (although there is debate on whether or not a loud noise that was heard was me falling over or from my boots being slung on the floor...all I know is that I don't recall falling and no one actually SAW anything). I was also told that I woke around 5am clutching my head in pain although I don't remember that either.
Needless to say, it took me forever to get up today.
And thanks to 2 people in particular for helping me get through was greatly appreciated.
Not to drop profound words of wisdom that are going to make everything miraculously better. But, the importaint thing is that you made it through and to come out even better the other side
5:08 AM
Well Done. You did get through it and in the most healthy and dignified way possible. Lovely : )
4:58 AM
I am very proud that you made it through. And I think your life is doing really well these days. You may not be overjoyed, but life is definitely going to turn upwards for you.
10:43 AM
Im sorry for the hurt. We both got though a bad day! I am glad that you have someone that thinks the world of you! Tell him that i think is was great that he came up here to be with you. It takes a special person to do that!
7:01 AM
You need to leave this girl alone. Quit leaving her random posts and commenting on her life. She deserves better than to be reminded of you and what you think of her life without you. Seems like you're trying to keep that door open ... but you need to accept that it's closed. Harsh words, yes. Difficult, yes. The right thing to do when you love someone but it is over, YES!
9:25 AM
Curiousity is killing me...I'd love to know who left the last me please and
10:35 AM
Yes Don, why can't you leave her alone? Haven't you done enough damage???
Go get a life, they're blue light special at Kmart.
10:49 AM
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