Sunday, August 14, 2005


These questions are for everyone to answer but I'm more interested in to hear from the guys (but ladies, please respond also).

-Is there such a thing as falling in love too fast?
-What is the shortest time frame that you've dated someone before telling them "I love you?"
-What is the strangest situation that you've met a significant other? (examples: A boss at work? Someone off the internet?)


Blogger Masked said...

~ I am extremly guarded with my heart so I reject the idea of falling in love fast as I might be the one who gets clawbered. I think that love takes time, but I also know that I have yet to experience true love.

~ Back in the high school days it took a short period of time to utter the "L" word although I didn't truly mean it. I said it after dating a guy for seven months to which he responded, "thanks I can't say something I don't mean". Thanks for the honesty and lesson. The next time it was said was only after the next guy expressed it ten months into the relationship. I don't say it first, even if I feel it.

~ The strangest situation is probably the one I am currently in. I met him on a night were a guy I was seeing gave me mixed signals by calling me "kiddo", the alcohol was the catalyst to ask another guy home with me. The guy ended up being friends with the guy I was seeing and talked my self esteem back and graciously left my house without taking advantage of me. He earned my respect right then and there. One year later we are in the akwardness that comes with first dating and trying to figure out what "this" is.

11:44 AM

Blogger erl said...

definitely. although i tend to think of that more as lust.

4 months.

strangest...i guess at work? although that's not that strange...

7:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew I was in love with my husband after 1 week. WE have been married for 4 years now and going strong.

I didnt say it to him first-but he told me after 1 month.

Met him on the internet. I never chat and one night was bored and went in a chat room-rest is history.

10:26 AM

Blogger JadedTLC said...

I'm probably more guarded than Masked, as I've only had two significant others in 28 years. So no strange situations here.

Love doesn't happen too fast; it happens at its own pace. So there are some tests to perform to know if it is love, or just intimacy. Somehow they're different. I'm still trying to figure out how, without getting burned. I'll let you know if I get any good leads.

I don't say I love you unless I mean it. And that could take months/years, depending on the person.

4:48 PM


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