Thursday, October 27, 2005


3 days until sex toys, a male stripper and crazy drunkeness.

You gotta love bachelorette parties.

I think...

Actually, I'm going to try and not get too drunk so I can make my way to a Halloween party afterwards. I really want to see Lee dressed up as Tinkerbell.

P.S. I'm a bitch. Didn't you all know?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Completely random

More pics from that frat party...

Me and Missy. Posted by Picasa

Me and Rob. Posted by Picasa

More random pics from a couple months ago (I always forget to get pics developed)

Chad Posted by Picasa

Aaron...he has some weird heavenly glow about him doesn't he? Posted by Picasa

Aaron again...doing...something...(?) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Gotta have FAITH

I can't sleep. I don't know why.

I have some major trust issues due to my ex. This is something I need to get over because it's not fair to the guy I am currently seeing. I have no reason not to trust this guy...he's really great. I mean, c'mon, he sent me flowers because I had a cold. He has given me no reason NOT to trust him...he is nothing but caring and considerate.

Advice would be greatly appreciated...

P.S. The fact that I mentioned that HE sent me flowers on my blog is going to embarrass the crap out of HIM. (Hi, I know YOU are reading this, I have a site meter, remember?)

Friday, October 21, 2005

Lesson 1: How to put a smile on my face

Look, what got sent to my place today! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Dear Bloggers,

I will be away Thursday night thru Tuesday night in Daytona Beach so please don't update too often...I wouldn't want to miss out on anything...


P.S. Wish me luck, I'm packing right now and I always overpack. I hope I can get my suitcase closed without having to sit on it...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Welcome to the neighborhood

Okay, I got drunk last night. For real. Wasted. And I didn't even have to go out to do it. I took my happy ass over to my sister's house and me, her and Dylan sat out on the deck and drank ourselves silly. Okay, the great thing that I learned is that Dylan embarrasses very easily. Just for the record guys...never tell a drunk chick when something embarrasses you because we will make sure and do it all night long. What guy doesn't like talking about sex? Apparently it is not one of Dylan's fave topics (at least not with me, the younger sis of a friend), and of course, I decide to talk about it. So, my sister got some freaky sex toy as a joke from one of her friends. That thing was quite...interesting. Anyhow, I guess we were laughing and being a bit loud because all of sudden there's this guy in the backyard. He introduces himself as J, her new neighbor. Right away I could tell this guy was going to be fun because he was double fisting a couple of beers. He's standing there talking to us for a couple minutes before my sister realizes the freaky sex toy is sitting on the table. I don't think I've ever seen her move so fast to hide anything before. He says he didn't notice but who doesn't notice a thing like that? He ends up going to get his wife and the five of us stay up drinking and talking until 3 in the morning. I finally had to excuse myself inside because buddy was flirting with me in front of the wifey and it was slightly freaking me out a bit. I think he had just one too many beers. The wife was really nice though. Buddy is STRONG...he did a bunch of pushups with me sitting on his back. Sorry, if this post is all over the place...I'm really tired for some reason.

Oh...and were right, the Long Islands kicked my ass last night.

Kid, I love drunk dialing you when you are drunk as well. It makes for a most interesting convo.

Neighbor guy aka The PushUp Bandit Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The path to heaven...

SWEET. Someone googled "(the phrase that was written here was taken down due to too many google searches)" and showed up at my site. God help me.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Back in time...

Wow. I don't want to do that again for awhile. I went through my old posts today. Beginning to end. I sure did go through a dark period during the breakup with the D. I had almost forgotten how much I was hurting and how often I was posting really sad stuff. May and June were shit. I don't think I want to do that again. I need to learn to TRUST again...

Monday, October 03, 2005


And I was one of them...

So, I totally realize I didn't have the proper college experience considering I just went to my first frat party this past weekend and I'm going to be turning 24 on Wednesday. I gotta admit that it was a good one. First off, it took place at Gerogia Tech...2 live bands: a Sublime cover band and a 311 cover band...and there were hundreds of people there. Okay, so I learned a couple things there:

-I REALLY love Long Island Ice Teas, I think that's going to be my new drink.

-Bathrooms at a frat house during a frat party are so gross. I totally almost stole some of their reading material though but decided against it because I think they need the Playboy more than I do.

-A pool is an entertaining thing to have at a frat party. Drunk people LOVE pools, including girls that wear white shirts and also boys who rack themselves when trying to exit the pool.

-I know it was Hawaiian themed (which half the people didn't participate in) but sand sucks at a party. It gets all up in your shoes and then in the car. SUCKS.

-Kid is my permanent drunk dial (I hope that's okay with you).

-Taking pictures is fun.

Missy and Mark kissing and totally unaware that Rob was taking this picture. Posted by Picasa

Rob and me. Posted by Picasa

P.S. For my birthday tomorrow, I'd really like it if I could receive over 10 would make my, how much am a loser am I?