And I was one of them...
So, I totally realize I didn't have the proper college experience considering I just went to my first frat party this past weekend and I'm going to be turning 24 on Wednesday. I gotta admit that it was a good one. First off, it took place at Gerogia Tech...2 live bands: a Sublime cover band and a 311 cover band...and there were hundreds of people there. Okay, so I learned a couple things there:
-I REALLY love Long Island Ice Teas, I think that's going to be my new drink.
-Bathrooms at a frat house during a frat party are so gross. I totally almost stole some of their reading material though but decided against it because I think they need the Playboy more than I do.
-A pool is an entertaining thing to have at a frat party. Drunk people LOVE pools, including girls that wear white shirts and also boys who rack themselves when trying to exit the pool.
-I know it was Hawaiian themed (which half the people didn't participate in) but sand sucks at a party. It gets all up in your shoes and then in the car. SUCKS.
Kid is my permanent drunk dial (I hope that's okay with you).
-Taking pictures is fun.

Missy and Mark kissing and totally unaware that Rob was taking this picture.

Rob and me.

P.S. For my birthday tomorrow, I'd really like it if I could receive over 10 would make my, how much am a loser am I?