Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I've got gas

First off let's just start this off by saying the gas shortage in Georgia right now sucks...I'm kicking myself for not getting gas last night because today the gas price soared and I had to wait in a line for 30 minutes to get gas and another 10 before I was able to finally manuever out of the damn parking lot. It cost me over $45 and I don't even drive a truck or SUV. I was not a happy girl.

The good news is that I leave tomorrow for Daytona Beach. I better have a good time considering the money I laid down on new clothes today. I will be the epitome of a Florida chick sans the long blonde hair, the beautiful tan and the big fake tits...okay, so obviously not the epitome of a Florida chick but I'm going to look damn cute in my new clothes. Hopefully, I'll at least come home with the tan and some blonde from the sun. Not the fake tits though. I can't afford that shit. Wish I could. I need 'em.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. As for me, I plan on spending the rest of week completely inebriated.

P.S. I'd still rather be in L.A.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Who knew? vacation would suck this bad.

...that me and the ex would have a civilized conversation today.

...that a tornado actually touched down in Georgia today and that it rained so badly I couldn't leave until it calmed down and I was late for my hair appointment.

...that I would love my new shower lotion as much as I do.

...that my brother-in-law signed up for early deployment and he'll be going to Iraq soon.

...that now that my visitor is not coming, I might go to Daytona Beach instead.

...that I don't really want to go to Daytona...I'd much rather go to L.A...

...that I need some lovin'!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Passing the Torch

It's a sad day when my nephew can pull off my own t-shirt better than I can...

My nephew Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Dammit Posted by Picasa

This is crap. I had this picture saved in my digital camera. For some reason I wasn't able to bring myself to delete I printed it out. It's gone now. I'm getting over you. Please let me do that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Save Madison!!!

Yeah...I know...I'm a sucker...

He's hot though...

I better get 2 pictures...

Click Madison's Favorite Son over to the right under The Lures.

And answer my query below people...

Sunday, August 14, 2005


These questions are for everyone to answer but I'm more interested in to hear from the guys (but ladies, please respond also).

-Is there such a thing as falling in love too fast?
-What is the shortest time frame that you've dated someone before telling them "I love you?"
-What is the strangest situation that you've met a significant other? (examples: A boss at work? Someone off the internet?)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I had a shitty day at work yesterday. I was pissed and frustrated. I had had enough. So, guess what I did today? I put my notice in at work! Yes, after almost 6 years it is finally time to go. I don't have another job yet so I better start looking. I put in a MONTH notice for 2 reasons. 1. I still have PTO to use and that would be wrong to put 2 weeks notice in and be gone for one of them. I try to be nice and responsible. Try being the key word. My boss deserves to be screwed over...but not my employees...I could never do that to them. 2. I have a manager's position and that crap is not exactly easy to fill so I'm giving them time to a) shuffle people around from other stores b) hire someone else ASAP or c) promote someone. I'm really hoping for c) because there is a girl at work who deserves to be promoted. Now will she? Probably not...and why? Because she's a girl...I swear it's like pulling teeth to get a female promoted in that company. But I did it. And I'm proud of myself. I'm stoked. I'm scared though too. I know my job inside out and it's scary to go someplace new and start all over again. I just had to jump...

Wish me luck.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Dear Higher Power,

Please get me through this weekend at work. School starts back on Monday and I'm sick and tired of dealing with bitchy parents (you guys shouldn't wait until the last minute to do your back to school shopping) and bratty kids (learn some manners and RESPECT your parents). Please help me to not kill the two new employees. They are very weird. Obviously, I did not do the hiring when it came to those two. I think they have mental And Higher Power...will you please give them the ability to maintain their sections by the time they come into work tomorrow? Oh...and can you please make it so that I'm not super tired by the time I get off work because I'd really like to go grab a drink(s)...TRUST ME, I will need it! That's all for now.


P.S. I really need to get laid...can you work on that for me too?

We're all really tired and a little out of our minds at work...I think we've about had it. I really think we are all getting a little mental because there was a rap battle between 2 of my employees tonight after we closed. Picture this: Two 17 year olds. The male is tall but kinda dorky. The female is super short, with the sweetest southern accent ever...I wish you guys could hear her talk because she's from Mississippi and those are the best accents EVER. They are both WHITE. The battle was really, really, really BAD...but funny as hell. I think she won, but only because it sounded so funny coming out of her. Rematch tomorrow night after close.