Saturday, July 30, 2005

Enough is enough

I'm tired. I hate work. I have 7 hours of overtime this week already and still have to work a 12+ hour day tommorrow today...that's an assload of overtime. I'm too tired. It's not worth it. I'd much rather call in sick and curl up in bed eating buttered popcorn and drinking orange Fanta while watching my faves...Shawshank, Dazed and Confused, Oceans's 11...either that or finish reading House of Thunder...

...passing out now.

P.S. Oregon (specifically Portland) is being inhabited by TWO studs right now...that lucky state...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Serve your country woman

Anyhow, I had a very interesting day today. I saw...the ex. Yes, that's right I saw him. I haven't seen him in over a month but he called today and told me that he wanted to meet me for lunch...that he wanted to see me...and it was...good. Shocking, right? I know, no one is more shocked then me. I just really can't get over the whole fact on how well I handled was hard but I managed. I was very mature, very ladylike (this is hard to do when eating pasta), and there were no curse words uttered/screamed. He told me that he still loved me and that he was sorry for everything he has done to me the past few months. I could tell that he meant it. I gave him some pictures that were taken over the course of the relationship (he had wanted some memories) and he must have shuffled throught those things a million times. He smiled, teared up and excused himself to go to the bathroom (yes, I noticed). As hard as it is...I is time to move on. I will always love him and he will always hold a special place in my heart but I think there is a reason why it did not work out between us. I just hope one day I don't look back and wished I had given him another chance...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Hey guys...I got drunk last night and had a blast. I can't remember the last time I had so many drinks in a 15 minute time period...and hey, cool as hell, the bartender was super cool and hooked me up, I hardly had to pay a thing. So, anyhow, I was having a good time, surrounded by friends and then somehow I got into a convo with 2 of my guy friends about my ex. One was being super sweet and telling me what my problem is. He said that I am too down about myself and that I always felt like D was the cutest guy I was ever going to date (which is true, I do think that) but that I SHOUDLN'T think that way because I'm hot and that I could get a guy that was better. He then contiued to say that D was a jerk and a cheater. Whhhhaaa? "No, he never cheated on me," I said. Well, my friend informed me that he did...he kissed some other other guy friend backed him up. Who knows if it's actually true but I'm going to go ahead and believe my friends. I think I was too drunk when I was told the news to care very much and by the time it sunk in...well...I dunno, it's hard to explain. In some ways I feel like the biggest 'effin loser...obviously I was not able to keep the man I was in love with happy and he had to turn to someone else instead (it was only a kiss, but in my book that's a cheat). Who know how many times the boy cheated on me but I'd prefer not to think about it. It's over now...time to move on...lesson learned. I'm just pissed as hell because I ALREADY have trust issues and this is not going to help in any way. Who feels like kickin some ass? Oh yeah...and here's a pic from a few night ago...Jen's bday...getting back from eating dinner.

Audrey, Jen, Kristi, and Me Posted by Picasa

P.S. I gotta admit that Marine guy was hot...cuter than D...and older, and smarter, better built (obviously) and he can actually can I meet someone like that HERE?!?! Sorry about this last bit but I'm trying to make myself feel better...

Thursday, July 21, 2005


There is nothing better then going to Walmart at 12:30 am for Mt. Dew, beef jerky, gummi bears, and Mad Libs in preparation for a road trip. Yes, that's right, beef jerky...good stuff, but Jen said it tasted like shit. Anyhow, we left at 1am for Quantico, VA. (Wait, holdup, background...Jen's boyfriend is training to be an officer for the Marines and has been in VA for the past few weeks. Jen missed him dearly so we decided to take a little road trip). ANYHOW, driving from 1am-9:30am is not fun...wait a sec, I wouldn't know because I didn't actually do any of the driving. The first few hours on the road were actually quite fun. We did a lot of singing and dancing. There is nothing like a good burned CD full of VERY eclectic music. We seemed to prefer the old school stuff...Tiffany, Paula Abdul, Michael Jackson, NKOTB, Aerosmith, Beach Boys, etc. Jen singing "You're my first, my last, my everything" to ME was definitely a highlight, and singing "You make me feel like a natural woman (woman)" was also good fun.

We had very interesting conversations to anything from toilet habits to living sheltered lives (do we? We decided no). As the time went on, Jen started making some funny comments (I think from lack of sleep)...I know at one point we passed a cop that had pulled over a semi and Jen said (and I quote) "I bet cops hate pulling over semis because they have so much farther to walk." What?! Yeah, we got a laugh out of that one. We also drove through a town called Burlington and she wondered aloud if this was where all the coat factories were. She seemed genuinely upset and disappointed when I told her that there were Burlington Coat Factories all over the country. We also passed a million billboards for the Risque Cafe. What is the Risque Cafe, you ask? Okay, you didn't ask but I will share with you anyways because I am just THAT nice. The billboard claimed it was open 24, drink, sex toys, nekkid ladies, showers and that truckers were welcome. We were SO there...yeah right. However, if this sounds like your thing it's exit 173 off of 85. We won't judge you (we'll just point and laugh mercilessly at you).

When we finally arrived we were able to check into the hotel room early (check in wasn't until 2pm but the hotel clerk took pity on us when she saw we looked like ass and said we could go in after the room was cleaned). While we waited we helped ourselves the lovely continental breakfast (Lucky Charms, yogurt and orange juice for me and a bagel with cream cheese and orange juice for Jen) and I shit you not nothing had ever tasted so good. We get to the room and immediately sack out for a good 3 hours. Finally, we get a call from John (he didn't know we were coming by the way) and we head out to Quantico to meet him.

Okay, Qauntico (Q-Town, I didn't make that up by the way...apparently everyone calls it that) is a really crappy little town. Somehow, we managed to make it fun. We found a bar, met up with his friends and got drunk. Somehow, I managed to get really lucky...John had a really hot Marine friend. His name? Gibson: 28, about 6'1, built, smart, can cook, has aspirations...what the hell...why can't I meet guys like this in the real world? Okay, so apparently, after being in a relationship for 3+ years I had forgotten how to flirt because he was doing it all night and I didn't even know until Jen pointed it out to me later. How could I miss that?

Fast forward to the following day...before we knew it, it was time to sad. Me and Jen said our goodbyes to the boys (her's was romantic and super sweet...btw...her and John are so cute together).

The drive home sucked but it had some high points...a lot of laughing...comments about being horny were made (by who, I will not say but DENY is the first word that comes to mind)...Mr. Bullets, here we come!

The whole trip took a little over 48 hours...yeah, that's right...we're hardcore...or at least we pretend to be.

We never did do the Mad Libs.

We are SO going back.

Jen on the open road...totally stoked to go see her man. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm Baaaaack!!!

-Saturday 1am: Leave Athens
-Saturday 9ish am: Arrive in Virginia (fall asleep in hotel room and wake up 3 hours later)
-Saturday 12pm-Sunday 12am: Do stuff
-Sunday 12am-Sunday 9am: SLEEP
-Sunday 9am-Sunday 5:20 pm: Do more stuff
-Sunday 5:21: Leave Virginia
-Monday 3:10am: Arrive home
-Monday 3:53am: Writing this right now...which is why I will fill you in on the other stuff later because I am incredibly tired and have to get up and work

I had a great time!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Fired Up

God, I am so stoked to be getting out of town it's not even funny. Plus, the fact that I'm off of work for the next 3 days is a prize in itself. Working open to close today sucked ass but it was so worth it and hell, we made the day by almost a grand so no complaints here (from me or my regional mgr).

You know, I forgot to mention I went out the other night. My friend Alexis is moving to New York for a couple of months to escape a bad break up (she moved to Georgia four months ago from Arizona to be with him and looky what the asshole did---only proving my point that guys SUCK). Anyhow, so a bunch of us girls went out as a farewell. I was tired as hell and ended up leaving early...and wouldn't you know it...I miss all the drama! Apparently one of the girls got shit faced (how could she not? Before I left she had already taken 2 shots of jager and had 3 glasses of wine) and tried to get some guy to kiss her. This wouldn't be so bad if the so called girl was not married with a baby at home. I heard the guy was hot as hell (he was actually a friend of a Chad---a guy I know from high school and college who I had ran into earlier that night and introduced to my friends...btw...Chad took my number). Anyhow, I forgot where I was going with this...oh yeah...I 'effin missed out on all the fun. What's more fun then seeing friends get shit faced? Whatever, I'm making sure to pack some "going out" clothes and my sexy shoes for the weekend.

Have a good one guys.

P.S. Re-Christen(ed): L&S have been renamed...they will now be known as Lucy and Ethel. Also, Tyrone's name will also be's being forced, so get creative.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Open Road Song

I'm taking a road trip...getting the fuck out of Georgia for the weekend and I am definitely looking forward to it. I had to switch my work schedule around to manage it (this means working O-C tomorrow) but it will be so worth it. I have a lot of crap to do before I leave though. I'm going to a bridal shower on Friday night and still have to get the gift...oh yeah, my friend Kristi started dating this guy in March. Surprise! She's pregnant and is now getting married at the end of this month. Okay, now this is something I don't agree with...don't get married just because you're having a baby! Whatever, she's happy so that's all that matters...I guess. I'm such an 'effin pessimist...I never used to be that way...always the eternal optimist. Anyhow, I have to pack too...we're leaving Saturday at 4am...god, the things that I will do for a friend. So, anyone feel like going? We're going to be singing in the car, doing some Mad Libs, eating candy and drinking tons of caffiene...good stuff, man. Trust me, you don't want to miss it.

-6 foot
-short brown hair
-brown eyes
-clean shaven, but a couple days of scruff would be okay
-great smile
-wears jeans mostly...with maybe a long sleeved button up shirt...sleeves rolled up

Fuck 'em, not all, but almost...


Sunday, July 10, 2005

He needs to walk by again...

Damn, okay, have you guys seen that new Diet Pepsi commercial? That guy is hot. Wow, how sad, I can't remember the last time I had to wipe drool off my chin after watching a television commercial...I must really need some. I seem to remember some guy grabbing my ass last night but it really didn't do much for me. Anyhow, speaking of good looking people, you know who is totally gorgeous? Joss Stone. Her hair, the voice...she's hot. Too bad I'm not gay. thought...who would YOU go gay for? I figure everyone is secure about themselves to admit to at least one person...


Damn guys...I have to admit I had a great time tonight...did a lot of crazy shit tonight...took some pics, none of which you all will be sorry. Well, maybe one...I think I got the regular "smile with your friend" pose in somewhere along in the night. I met a lot of really cool people tonight too, and a couple of creeps but hell, there's always some of those. And hey, be proud...only one drunk dial...(sorry, by the way). It's almost 4, time to crash.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Danger Will Robinson

Warning! Approach with extreme caution! I'm going to a party tonight where I will (hopefully) get drunk. I want to apologize in advance for any drunk dialing that I might do. Or...hell, if you want to hear me drunk, just call and hopefully I will not be too inebriated to press the answer key on my phone.

Dear Higher Power,

I am very upset with you right now. You really are playing some sort of cruel joke on me. First, you take away the guy I loved and was going to marry (he didn't die, we just broke up) and next you print the wedding dress I was going to buy in last month's Cosmo. You must really hate me. What. The. Hell. You suck. Also, you can't even give me some decent guy to walk into my life so that I can have a good and healthy fling. And on top of that you decide to plant the only decent and funny guy on the other side of the country. I don't like having to depend on Mr. Red's not cool anymore. So, please, if you could just send me someone to shake my tree and love my peaches...well, then, that would be just great. Thanks in advance.
Yours Truly,

P.S. Please?


I'm an addict. Yes, I have taken the first step: admitting that I have a problem. It's taken me awhile to come to terms with it but I'm willing to give in. I am officially addicted to blogs. I'm sure it's not what you were expecting but I have a problem. Whenever I am at home with nothing to do I check blogs...sometimes several times when I'm on the computer just waiting for people to update. I can't help many of you are just so damn talented....or funny...or hell, BOTH. Either way your blogs give me my kicks. So, keep on people because you give me my damn entertainment. And yes, I often lurk...sorry all.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Oh. My. God.

I think Whip It is my personal fave. Copacabana and Material Girl are tied for 2nd.

It's not letting me add a link...but copy and's so worth it.

Shizzle Nizzle

You know a song has got to be really bad when someone requests it on the radio and the DJ apologizes for playing it. I tried to keep an open mind when Fatboy Slim's cover of Joker by Steve Miller Band started playing but somehow it wanted to slam shut. That has got to be one of the worst covers of a song I have ever heard. The words "shizzle" and "nizzle" are actually said in the song. God help us.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I'll be your daydream...

Why do all the kick ass, rocking guys not live near me? Namely, just one guy. Thanks for always making me feel know who you are.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Buyers remorse

I went shopping today. I spent $100. I really shouldn't have. I definitely shouldn't have gone into Banana Republic. Goddamn that cute shirt. I need to return it...either that or just wear the damn thing. I better get an 'effin compliment on the thing. I realized today that I shop on two totally different ends of the spectrum...I go into Banana a spend $53 on 2 shirts (it was an outlet mall and one the shirts was on clearance) and then I go into Rue and spend $50 and I get 2 tank tops, 2 shirts, a bracelet and some chapstick. Next time I won't let J drag me into the expensive places. I spend way too much money when I'm around that girl. Oh, and GAP sucks lately.

Happy 4th...toss a drink back for me.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I'm a gambling fool...

My bad, sorry that it's been awhile since I posted. I've been going through a lot of shit lately. But let's not talk about any of that. Let's talk about some good stuff. I was house sitting this week for my sister (which is another reason why I have not written) and I absolutely loved the time to was so peaceful. Plus, holy shit, I actually have this weekend off again. Not only that, but my best friend is in town this weekend and she'll be moving back here next weekend (insert happy dance).

Anyhow, so I hung out with two of my girlfriends last night and we went out for a drink. Well, our waiter happened to be a fairly attractive guy who we've had serve us a couple of times before...very nice guy. Well, my oh so lovely friends decide to take it upon themselves to ask Mr. Waiter Man if he is single, to which he replies with a grin that he is. Well, holy hell, we ended up exchanging numbers. He better call because I love that restaurant and I want to be able to eat there again...just kidding, I'll eat there either way. However, my friend and I did place a bet on whether or not he will actually call. If he doesn't call then she has to take me to dinner and a movie (so either way I get a date with SOMEONE) and if he does call then I actually have to go on the date and I have to take her to get a pedicure. Sounds fair enough right? I'll let you guys know who wins the bet...