Friday, November 25, 2005


 Posted by Picasa
Benjamin, my nephew, age 2.

 Posted by Picasa Joshua, my other nephew, age 3.

 Posted by Picasa Me and Joshua...I swear I didn't drug him...he's just really tired and probably sick of the picture taking.

Swans mate for life...

I need that. No, I want that.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

He's more smarter than you.

I don't watch the news very often...too depressing. That's what my mom is for anyhow, she makes sure that I stay informed by beating things into my head. But I did hear about this from an old friend of mine. It made NATIONAL news people. CNN, that's big. Did you guys hear about that 37 year old woman that married the 15 year old boy? Oh yeah, and she's pregnant too. Well, one of the coaches at my old high school was the one that married them.

J.T.: "I knew he was young, but I had no idea she was 37. I thought she might have been in her 20s."

He's smart, huh? How does a person not catch something like that? Plus, he's a teacher, he's around boys that age all the time so you think he would know.

I'm glad we have people like him teaching our youth.

The worst part is that it is legal in Georgia for them to get married. No parental consent is needed when the bride to be is expecting.

Sometimes I really hate this state.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I don't think that it's too much to ask...but I could be wrong.

Alright, I think I've mentioned it briefly once before but it may need mentioning again. I used to be guilty of this and have since apologized to certain people for it. I used to LURK all the time. I would read people's blogs and NEVER EVER comment. I guess I felt like I didn't have anything to say and truth is I still don't always comment. But I do now, most of the time, even when I don't have much to say because I know that the people still enjoy reading the comments. It's always nice to see mail in your inbox. Basically what I'm saying is that a comment from you lurkers would be nice every now and then. Especially certain someones from Florida (not you, Rob) and Virginia.


Friday, November 18, 2005

Coming clean

I'm having a drunk day December 10th.

I know I don't have many readers but I want to admit something to you all. I've been lying. Not about anything I've DONE but about how I AM. Over the past couple of weeks I've been in a funk. I've gone out and done fun things like the bachelorette party, the wedding and the party at my friend's house last weekend. While I was out doing these things I acted like I was having a good time and in some way, I WAS, but deep down...deep down...I wasn't. I was pretending. I was putting on a mask. A mask to hide how I'm really feeling. It all started when I went to the bachelorette party. I have to admit it was a good time and a lot of work was put into it. It was there, looking around at all the little things that had gone into this party to make it perfect for the bride that I REALIZED.

I'm supposed to have mine soon. My friends would probably be planning it right now. Would they have thought of those decorations? Would they have gotten me that silly stuff to wear? Would they have done this? Or that? I wonder if they would have thought of...

I'm supposed to be getting married on December 10th.

The same thoughts ran through my head at the wedding as I sat next to my date. My new boyfriend. A great guy. A fantastic guy. And I felt guilty. I feel guilty. Last night he figured out what's been wrong with me the past couple small feat considering we don't get to see each other every day based on the fact that he lives a few hundred miles away. But he knew. Just by the tone of my voice. December 10th is looming in the distance and he knows it. He understands. He's willing to let me talk about it with him. I can't. That would be wrong and I think he knows it too. But the point is, is that he offered.

He sure is a special guy.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I only exist in the memories of people who love(d) me.


Sadly, I've come to the realization that I will be the epitome of an infomercial when I get old...tooling around in my motorized scooter (easily getting through doorways and smartly turning corners), using my Clapper as I zoom from room to room and then falling off and injuring myself so badly that I'll have to use my little beeper alert thingy to notify 911 that I need help.

See the kinds of things I think about during cartoon time while watching the nephews today? Which by the way was an adventure by itself. I've never watched BOTH of them all day before. Benjamin and Joshua. Please keep in mind that they're 2 and 3 years old repectively (FYI: not fun ages to watch when you are only one person). From 7am until 5pm. Damn. Just damn. Luckily, when they got here they went back to bed until 10 (God was looking down on me today because they never ever do that). We got up, ate some cereal and then got them dressed. Next, we had some playtime...outside and then inside. Riding bikes. Pretending to be Bob the Builder. Candyland. Hour of cartoons. Trains. Making a tent using blankets (my personal fave). Lunch. Ice cream. Reading books. NAPTIME. Shower for me!

Okay, now Joshua doesn't actually take naps. He takes "rests" which means laying down in bed with a book for about 20 minutes. He comes into the bathroom while I was drying my hair and accuses me of waking him up. Yeah, uh huh, sure I did.

More Candyland (so much easier to do without Benny moving the pieces over the board and throwing the cards), some Chutes & Ladders and Memory (which Joshua is BRILLIANT at). Etc...etc...sister finally gets back half and hour late.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted. Why the hell am I still up?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Playing House

"I worship the ground you walk on."

Has anyone ever said this phrase to you? I know it's never been said to me. And you know what? I'm not quite sure why. Worship: to have intense love or admiration for. I always thought I had been loved and/or admired but now I'm beginning to think not...

Or maybe it's just some phrase you only hear in the movies.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Last night

I had a surprise visitor this weekend from Daytona. It was quite nice. He doesn't like it when I write about him on this...he tends to get embarrassed. So, enough about that.

We went to a party last night. I wanted him to meet my guy friends so he would know who I was hanging out with when he's not here. It's a group of 4 guys, 3 of them live together. Anyhow, they had a party at their house last night. I'm pretty sure that R. had fun. It's really hard NOT to like these group of guys...they're very entertaining and really funny. Plus, they're all musically talented and have a recording studio in their basement...for real.

Last night I...
...drank an entire bottle of wine. called an alcoholic and a whore (jokes, fortunately).
...was given condoms and candy.
...was hugged by some girl I had just met while she drunkenly told me how sweet I was.
...almost died of smoke inhalation from some bonfire thing (okay, slight exaggeration...I didn't die, but I DID cough).
...smoked too many cigarettes (according to someone else anyhow...personally, I didn't think I smoked nearly as much as I usually do when I go over there).
...played a short-lived game.
...heard the words: dick, fart, and motherfucker too many times to count.
...saw a grown ass Harley-type man in pleather (gasp!) pants.
...had a great time!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Here comes the bride

Nope, not me. Not for awhile anyhow. I went to a wedding on Saturday. It's been awhile since I've attended one. In fact the last couple that I've been to, I've been it was nice being on the other side for once and not having to stand around waiting for our pictures to be taken (just for the record, photos outside when it's under 40 are not a good idea...the photos will look like shit because everyone is FREEZING their asses off. Some of my sister's wedding photos are a good example...I'm not a big girl and I tend to get cold easily).

Bad things about the wedding I went to:

-the opera singing that took place before the bride and groom kissed (yes, it was super sweet but WAY too long...let them kiss already...R)

-too many people in the wedding party (if there are more than 5, that's bad...she had more than 10! And why wasn't I included? Kidding...)

-not enough seating at the reception (this could be due to people not RSVP'ing...c'mon people that's so rude).

-the dance floor was not big enough (I'm sure to the people that were not dancing thought that those of us that were dancing were partaking in some sort of orgy).

-the cash bar. Understandable...most of the people attending were big drinkers and it would've cost the bride and groom major $$$$. It's not cool having to pay $8 for a glass of wine though.

-drama between the single girls staking their claims on the single guys. Once a girl makes it known to her friends that she's got dibs on a guy then the friends should have the courtesy to back off. J and G didn't understand this concept when it came to N's "claim." Back off bitches!

Good things about the wedding that I went to:

-the party bus. I totally want one of those at my wedding. (There's a pole you guys...c'mon, that's entertainment!)

-drunken idiots=even more entertainment.

-watching someone fall during the limbo. GOOD STUFF!

-a bride that double fists at her own reception.

-the chocolate fountain...need I say more?

-seeing the way the bride and groom look at each other. So sweet. I hope I have that one day.

-a date that actually danced with me...and my dateless friends! (Thanks babe!)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The path to not that great...

I had to take a title off of a post I had written due to too many google searches. For those of you that read my blog know what it was. All I know is that I'm tired of pervs coming to my site expecting to see t.o.b.